Tuesday, January 15, 2008


I haven't updated as much as I wanted to, cause JC life is super busy. :C So yeahhh.

Firstly, Choir Farewell Party!

It's so weird, thinking of myself as an alumni, even now. So it was kinda funny going to the farewell party, and being one of the seniors there. What was surprising was that I was one of the first senior to arrive, because I kinda got lost. YES. I GOT LOST IN PASIR RIS PARK. And I call myself a Singaporean. You can shoot me, people. I had to call Iris like, two times to ask for directions. Another surprising thing is that it was(and still is) rainy season, and they wanted to have a BBQ. It drizzled, like two times and rained for quite long once. =x The sec4s(feels funny calling them that, when I still feel like one) had to use umbrellas and bbq for us to eat. (: I appreciate it guys! You rock! The performances were all great! The sec3 one was pretty hilarious, especially the guy part. xD Acting as Jerome, Myron and the rest! And I didn't expect all those farewell gifts, I LOVE YOU GUYS. DUNMAN SEC CHOIR RULZ! I will never forget you all! And thank you to yuling, yuenching(sp?) and elaine for walking me to carpark a at the end. ((((: And all those photos we took together. iluall! Jiayouus for O levels hor!

Next is SRJC Orientation.

I've got to say, I really didn't like that they put us in one house group, e.g. me in cetus1, and even though it was like only three days, we had kinda bonded with the whole group, our ogl, our whole house, the cheers and everything. And then, they relocate us, and dump us in another group to re-adjust. Sure, I liked Aquilla. The super long cheer was so awesomely fun. But my heart was still kinda in cetus. )))): and cetus won in the end! grats cetus! I find it awesome though, that aquilla 5(my grp) and cetus 5 kinda worked together for the orientation. we walked/ran together for the amazing race, and cetus even waited for us! and in school, we ran together to the next station going, "Go cetus go! Go aquilla go!" and so on. It was great that we weren't fiercely competitive and had enmity between us because we were in different houses. This really, really touched me. CETUS AND AQUILLA ROCK!

Starting school was kinda scary in the first place, but I've gotten used to it. Our class is really quite bonded together. (: Yay 1S09! Lit was so awesomely fun! We could even write our own poems. xD I wish I could take h2 lit though. ): I have no idea why they won't let science stream students take it. Econs is okay, I guess, but it's a little weird, what with opportunity cost, scarcity blahblahblah. I'm sorely thinking about not taking h2 econs for jae. Physics...ummm, well, we only learnt measurements so far, but it looks quite chim. h2 maths is also not bad. (: I didn't really have so many problems. And you know what? Tomorrow's CCA day, and I joined student council, hahaaa. Which is funny, because i quite being a trainee councillor back in sec school because of the stress. Sec4+ councillor+ choir=NO. But now, I guess I wanna try. I have no idea what else to join. NO CHOIR. T_T I have high expectations. A gold choir, and I'll join. =x -SHOT- SO I have high expectations. But I'm from a gold+honors choir what! I can't stand ppl singing out of tune. xDDD Must have good quailty one. xD SO YEAH. Tomorrow, I'm staying back for council meeting. hope all goes well!



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