Sunday, May 27, 2007

Um, yeah. Tomorrow's MT O Levels. So...good luck to all! (And to myself too.) (:

Gahhh, brain dead. @w@ I found this clip while I was digging through my favs on youtube. You have no idea how many of them was scrapped from youtube. DDD:

So here's Excel Saga(And no, I've never watched it O: ) to Macadamia Nut. One of the weirdest parody of macarena I've ever heard.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Yes, I changed my blogskin. : D Somehow, I still think it looks weird. O.O Perhaps I'll try to fix it next time? xD *too lazy*

I SWEAR, I CAN BE ONLINE. D: Even though the only papers left are amath p2 and literature. (mt lc doesn't count. >.> No studying included) I really am studying Joy Luck Club. O=) Why not? I love literature!<3

For some reason, I am planning to do a amv after exams. O: It might be fun and I have quite good ideas. So why can't I just play around with windows movie maker? xD Just for a while, then back to studying for o-levels. :< (Ugh, I'm reminded of it again...)


Tuesday, May 08, 2007

I don't understand.

I don't understand people at all. Why lie? The lies hurt other people, and they really feel upset. Yeah, right, some people say they shouldn't care if their conscience is hurt if it's not the truth. But have you ever felt the pain when you really work hard and then someone says bad stuff about you that's not true at all?

Why? Why must mankind hurt one another like this? Why is the media gossiping about celebrities, saying stuff about them that is not true? Everyone's human, everyone has a heart. Yes, it might be fun to flame them, fun for the readers, some defend themselves. FUN?

You call hurting others FUN? What exactly is this idea of FUN? It's sick and perverted! Don't say anything without evidence. And how can you say something of a person's character if you don't know them at all? Why gossip about two celebrities of opposite sex when they act friendly? "Rumors have it that they are dating" What the HELL? Is that the only thing a man and a woman can be? Why can't it be a platonic relationship?

Argh, and I'm sorry. Pissed off today over the awful Biology paper.