Sunday, April 20, 2008

sports day, admittedly, wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

Sure, me, fang and charmaine hid in a corner, ate snacks, drank coke(mostly me, really xD), played phoenix wright with my ds( I was trying not to comment on anything when char played it) and fang was playing harvest moon xDDD

But the cheerleading parts were fun! I especially liked Miranda's and Triton's cheerleading routines! And that's not because Triton is my house and I'm a freaking dedicated person, okays! I really liked it >w< Was so happy when Triton won cheerleading champion! The cheerleaders deserve it! Great job, peeps! ;D

Triton got third overall, which wasn't so bad, cause we were the last at the beginning xD We won three games!!! WOOOOOO!~

But the most EPIC thing of the day...

was that...

the whole school GOT RICK-ROLLED.

I didn't even realise it until char commented that the song sounded familiar, and I had to strain to hear "Never gonna let you down~" then IT HIT ME. Not only I got rickrolled, the WHOLE SCHOOL DID.

that is one EPIC RICK-ROLL.

We aren't even sure most of the school got it or not, but well xD It was still epic! and quite hilarious, if you ask me.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

I don't even think my blog url is actually appropriate now. :/

I'm having a hard time being optimistic about things, even though sometimes, I still seem so happy on the outside, and crazy.

That's because I'm TRYING to make myself happy. Sure, it works, for a while, and I go temporarily insane and crazy and all blabbity.

But I don't know anymore.

I'm still feeling a little emo, even though I'm addicted to this happy, disney parade song "Just like we dreamed it" It's seriously nice 8D me and meimei keep singing along to it =x which always lead our parents to go, why don't you sing karoke if you two have nice voices?

xD; funny that I'm a choir gal, yet I don't really want to sing in front of people. Solo. I thought about it before...I don't exactly mind. But then again, our karoke machine doesn't have much english songs we like to sing. That's our EXCUSE anyways (:

okay warning, I'm about to emo soon.

I was completely stupid, and fell down from the third step on the staircase outside the lts :/ happened on...monday, I believe. I landed hard on my right foot, and guess what? I sprained my ankle. I guess it's kinda a good thing, cause it means I don't need to run for PE tomorrow. But it hurts if I put too much weight on it. so now, right ankle is hurting too, cause most of my weight is put on it when I stand :/

I have a lot more to emo about really, but I don't think I should write it here. Some things are mostly personal, and I don't want to hurt anyone :<

God, I need a counselor I can rant to ;o;

Sunday, April 06, 2008

oh screw it.

I am so gonna be dead tomorrow.

Because of choir camp :/ it started on friday and ended yesterday evening, but after I came home, I still had to go to my cousin's 21st birthday party.

I'm not complaining about that really. Choir camp was quite fun, even though a cabbage whacked me in the face >.O We were playing "Quirky Quidditch" where we played Captain's Ball with four balls( I seriously don't know if you can call ALL of them balls), an orange, a cabbage, a volleyball and a basketball. And yes, I was "FORTUNATE" to get whacked by the cabbage in the face. I guess my choir camp curse is still going on. xD; I always get hurt/sick every year. And yes, I stayed up on friday night to watch sweeny todd. it was awesome 8D I really don't see why S'pore rated it m18. Sure there was a lot of blood, but an nc16 rating would be okay :/ the blood looked very fake; it didn't really bother me.

...But what I'm so pissed off about is homework.

I am never gonna finish this PI; I don't have a creative idea for journey two!!! I had a piano lesson today too D: SO, I only have today to do my work.


and there's pe tomorrow.

screw you, jc life.

joining choir has made me miss dunman choir SO DAMN MUCH. I LOVE YOU GUYS, HONESTLY.

I remember when we got gold with honors last year, I started to cry like crazy. We were all so happy and hugging each other and taking photos in the avt. ohmygod.

I miss 4b.

I miss the crazy guys playing dodgepillow at the back of class, I miss YOU GUYS. We haven't properly hung out in a long time. sure, char, fang, and qian are in mjc too.......but qian's usually with shawn :/ I don't know, I really miss the times all of us were together. chui, liting, char, fang, qian, cher and me.



i even miss night study ;o;

someone get ready a coffin for me, I'm gonna die this year.